I just re-did my budget. This year, I haven't really been living by a budget. I had just decided to put all of my extra money into my car loan. This has dropped to under $9000 now and I'm very happy. However,
recent events have caused me to re-evaluate and realise the importance of saving whilst I pay down debt. So here it is!
My take home pay is $1600 a fortnight. This is after tax, super and rent has been taken out. So I have $1600 to do with whatever I want. This is what I plan to do:
Mortgage Repayment - $180
Mandatory Car Repayment - $170
Spending - $300
Treats - $75
Internet and Phone - $60 (considerably over-budgeting here, just to be safe)
Home Deposit Fund - $100
Gift Fund - $15
Travel Fund - $75
Furniture Fund - $50
Car Fund - $60 (for insurance, rego and any repairs)
Emergency Fund - $50
Vacuum Cleaner Fund - $15
Extra Car Loan Repayments - $450
So there it is! Not only am I managing to pay a significant amount off my car loan, I am also able to save toward the things that I want for the future and for emergencies.
What does everyone think? Advice would definitely be appreciated!