Saturday, March 12, 2011

Budget Update

This month, I decided to track my spending, every last cent I spent!

My bills and savings are automatically deducted from my pay cheque so I don't even see it. After that, I have three budget categories.

Groceries - $150
Petrol - $150
Other/Fun - $100

So how did I go this month?

Groceries - $116.20
Petrol - $137.40
Other/Fun - $102.17

Not too bad. Though I went over my Other/Fun budget by $2.17, I was well under in my other two categories.

My grocery budget includes toiletries. I like to stock up when things are on sale. So when tinned tomatoes are on sale and I only need one can that week, I might buy five and put them in the cupboard. This fortnight, I bought ten tubes of toothpaste because the price was so good.

So while my grocery budget may seem a little high for just one person, it is so large so that I can stock up when I want to.

Any thoughts on my budget? Too high, too low?

Update: This is my fortnightly budget, not monthly. Apologies for the confusion.


  1. How are you managing with Groceries on $150 a month? I'm struggling on $200 a month and I'm a single female living alone in Melbourne.

    Please share your tips!

  2. You must share YOUR tips. It is actually $150 for the fortnight, so $300 a month. I will put an update on the post. But please do, share your tips, cause Melbourne is more expensive than Sydney so do tell!

  3. Haha, Well as I said I'm struggling a bit. But I meal plan and try to only buy what I need, if I have any food left over in the fridge I plan a meal around that. The only meat I eat is chicken or mince and the mince I only buy the 5 star stuff from Coles when it is on sale and I usually get skinless chicken thighs as they're the cheapest.

    It also helps that I have a full pantry, I got $200 from my grandparents for christmas so I did a huge pantry stock up and got spices, canned tomatoes, beans, baking ingredients, stocked up on UHT milk and taco and burrito mixes.
