Thursday, June 9, 2011

Why do I find blogging so hard?

The very first personal finance blog I read was The Simple Dollar. I loved it from the very start. This prompted me to find and read other PF blogs and eventually, to start my own.

Trent does an awful lot of blogging. He posts multiple articles a day, every day. While I understand that he no longer works full time and in fact has made blogging a part of his job, I am still struggling to understand how he makes it look so simple.

I cannot blog from work, not even on my lunch break, as my work has strict security guidelines on our computers. As such, I need to do my blogging at night or on weekends.

I have always loved writing. In high school, I used to write a lot of stories and really enjoyed it. So why, now that I actually have a blog, do I find it so hard to write when I get home?

I really want to keep this blog going and grow my readership. However, I just don't seem to have the energy or the motivation to keep it up. I am now closing the blog, but dear readers, does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can find that much needed motivation?

1 comment:

  1. I used to blog a lot more (even multiple times a day) when I had a very undemanding job - being awake in front of my computer is was very tiring. I found it very boring because my workload was so small, so I blogged a ton on my PF blog. But then since I've gone up the career ladder a bit, taking internet breaks is all but impossible since I'm so busy at work. Then at home I'm so tired or busy (cooking, cleaning, etc), I have no energy to type up anything. So now I've reached a happy medium in that I blog when I can and however much I can. I hope you come to a satisfying answer too.
