Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'm Sick

I was sent home at nine o'clock this morning because I'm sick with a very bad cold. I came home and went to bed. Four hours later I woke up and felt a lot better. I went to the doctor yesterday so I have a lot of drugs that I've been taking. I'm hoping to beat it by the weekend!

I am going to Melbourne for the weekend. It's a long weekend, so will be there Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. This was all booked and paid for months ago, before the house was on the cards. If I'd already been buying the house, I probably wouldn't have done it but I'm super excited! I am going with one of my best friends from university who I haven't seen for six months as we both work in separate places now. So I can't wait!

Yesterday, Tuesday, was another no spend day! Today though, I spent $5 on pizza. I just did not have the energy to cook, so I ordered a pizza. And it was totally worth it!

Tomorrow I have my first meeting with the solicitors to go over the contract. Then on Friday, is the building and pest inspection, which I'll be present for. Then I'll go straight to the airport and head to Melbourne!


  1. I am now in week 3 of that horrible cold, and now I am left with the worst cough I have ever had. I would advice going and getting an antibiotic from your Doctor before it moves into your chest. Good luck with your building and pest inspection.

  2. This is a good blog; really it helped me to enhance my knowledge about how to deal with common household pests. The information is apt and well written, thanks for sharing. You can even check on building and pest inspection for some new information on pest control.
