Thursday, January 27, 2011

How Much is Enough?

I have recently started reading Corporette, a fashion and lifestyle blog for professional women. I really enjoy it and as a bonus, every so often there are money related posts on there.

This post was one of them. Here, Kat delves into the idea of what does it mean to be rich, or as I like to phrase it, how much is enough?

I would love to be able to buy whatever clothes I wanted and go out to dinner as much as I wanted. However, to me, that is not what being rich is about. Rich isn't even the right word. For me, enough is when I don't have to worry about money and when my money is working for me.

I am only 23 (birthday last week), so obviously it is going to be a long time before I don't have to worry about money. However, the sacrifices I am making now and the hard work I'm putting in is ultimately not because I want to go shopping, but because I want to be worry free, allowing me to enjoy life even more.

How much is enough for you?

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