Sunday, November 21, 2010

Best $1200 I ever spent!

I just dished out $1200. And it was so worth it!

The area in which I live is quite extreme. In winter, it is ridiculously cold and in summer, it is absolutely boiling! My house is not insulated. It is only the very beginning of summer and it was already becoming unbearable for me to be upstairs in my house, even with the windows open and the fans going! The height of the Australian summer is still a month away, so I could not even imagine what it would have been like then.

I spoke the the man who used to live here before me and he told me that during the summer, he and his wife would sleep downstairs in the living room, it was that hot upstairs.

So I decided to get insulation. I went with the top of the line, because I wanted it to make a big difference.

The men left around fifteen minutes ago and already, there is a HUGE difference! It is so much nicer upstairs, I can actually be up there and be comfortable.

So yes, best $1200 I ever spent!

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