Friday, May 14, 2010

First and Last Time

For the first time ever, I acquired some debt on my credit card that I was unable to pay off immediately. I was shocked. I had never done this before but somehow, in my carelessness, I did.

My sister owes me some money which she transferred this morning. As soon as that has cleared, I will be able to pay the last of the debt off. Admittedly, I was not charged any interest, however, this was a completely new and out of character thing for me to do.

It will be the last. I am putting a ban on my credit card. There is no need to use it unless there is some sort of emergency. My emergency fund is with ING so it takes a couple of days to transfer money. Therefore, my credit card offers a good option if there is an emergency and then I can transfer the money afterward.

I just can't believe it and I'm so disappointed in myself. I know better!

1 comment:

  1. I am about to hammer my Husbands card ( I don,t trust myself with one ) as everything is due this payday and my little banger of a car is stuck in our local shopping centre and we have no idea what could be wrong with it. Blast blast blast
