Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Lifestyle

I have decided to start a bit of a lifestyle re-vamp. I'm careful not to call it a diet because I want it to be something I stick to for the long term. As a result, I went grocery shopping last night and bought a lot of things I don't usually buy.

I bought a lot of fresh produce and it was surprisingly cheap. I spent around $50 all up, which I've easily spent in a week before on who knows what!

I honestly thought it would be more expensive for me to buy healthier food but in much larger quantities. But alas, it is not!

1 comment:

  1. I've noticed that too - I recently started buying more healthy fresh produce, and it's a lot cheaper than I expected. Processed snacks like energy bars and chips are actually more expensive than pieces of fruit. And adding fresh veggies to a wrap or pasta is cheaper than adding heavier, fatty foods like cheeses and meats.
