Monday, May 16, 2011

A Change of Scenery, Perhaps

Today I found out that I may be transferred to another city at the end of this year. It isn't confirmed and I have no idea where to.

I am both excited and disappointed. It will be good for my career and I'll enjoy the change of scenery, as I don't really like the city I currently live in (really don't like it, actually). However, my house is here and I'll miss it!

Even though nothing is definite, my personal finance brain is going into overload. I am already contemplating the financial implications of a move and what I plan to do financially in my new phase.

Bittersweet really.


  1. Do you know if it will be in a major city at least or somewhere more suburban?

  2. Hi thanks for the comment. It's technically a city but it is rather... remote. I lived there for seven years as a kid though, so I am actually looking forward to it. I am not really a fan of the city I currently live in.
