Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Plans Have Changed

So, my plans have changed! For anyone out there who is reading this, you might remember that I had plans to purchase a property at the beginning of 2010 with my brother. As I am definitely not cash rich, we were going to use the equity in one of my parent's investment properties as the deposit. My brother has a lot of cash but I'm not comfortable borrowing from him.

My parents have decided to do some renovations on their house. They will look fantastic and significantly increase the value on the place. They got the quote yesterday and it's going to cost somewhere between $70 000-$100 000. How are they planning to pay for it? By selling that investment property.

My mum guiltily called me this morning but of course, I completely understand and would never ask them to forgo their dreams for mine. It just means that I will have to put the purchase of property on hold for a bit longer!

So that's just a quick update! Comment if you're reading!

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